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AORUS RX 580 XTR 8G Overview (+ GIGABYTE RX 480 Comparison)

The RX 580 gets the #AORUS treatment! Van gives an overview of the latest Red Team flagship - the AORUS Radeon RX 580 XTR 8G. Watch the video to find out about what improvements were made over last generation's RX 480.


  • AORUS RX 580 XTR 8G Overview (+ GIGABYTE RX 480 Comparison)

    AORUS RX 580 XTR 8G Overview (+ GIGABYTE RX 480 Comparison)

    The RX 580 gets the #AORUS treatment! Van gives an overview of the latest Red Team flagship - the AORUS Radeon RX 580 XTR 8G. Watch the video to find out about what improvements were made over last generation's RX 480.


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